Friday, December 19, 2008

Reading and Writing Text File in VB2008

To be able to open a file and read the data from a storage unit of a computer, such as a hard drive and able to save the data into the storage unit are important functions of a computer program. In fact, the ability to store, retrieve and modify data makes a computer a powerful tool in database management.

Reading and writing to a text file in VB2008 required the use of the StreamReader class and the StreamWriter class respectively. StreamReader is a tool that enables the streaming of data by moving it from one location to another so that it can be read by the user. For example, it allows the user to read a text file that is stored in a hard drive. On the other hand, the StreamWriter class is a tool that can write data input by the use to a storage device such as the hard drive.

To learn further, please view our new Vb2008 lesson at:

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